Monday, January 11, 2010

boobs and beasts

Frank Frazetta is currently my greatest hero. At last someone who shares my passion for sexy women and dangerous beasts! In my oil painting class last term I spent several weeks on a sexy lady with a raptor or some kind of dinosaur- totally jazzed on the boobs and beast concept, and several people told me is was Frazetta-esque; who at the time I'd never heard of. So I've since looked and fallen in love. My next me as a tribal jungle woman will be with a big cat.

I notice a lot of dorks like to draw themselves as powerful warriors is some way or another- well versed with a sword or gun or some other dorky dork fest thing slumped casually over their shoulders. (I cant tell you how much i usually hate this) I want to avoid this at all costs and make sure my character is always friend of animals and never battle-er of animals.

Anyway I've gotten dino out of my system and I want to go more mammalian. Next few pics I want to work with backgrounds of the wild to give have a real nature girl feel.


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