Monday, April 27, 2009

Lea is in a photo montage

 no, i didnt make it, but i am in it. It's-a-mai birthday party! as depicted by a far away friend. it makes me happy so I figured I'd post it as a prelude to the montage i myself shall soon make.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Lea makes flash fox

Click the fox

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

lea tries to photograph the other again

..but this time, they are couples - featuring a secret sentence from the female in each pair. It looks like I dont have pants on but this is an illusion of the hopeful eye and nothing more.

Monday, April 20, 2009

lea pictures the other - and cheats a bit


This is a photograph I took of my significant other, Kabir. I know the fellow a bit, admittedly, but as I have yet to venture into the world and photograph an unknown, Id figure I'd work with whats all ready wandering around my house. 

Photoshop was not used extensively, just to gray out the background and stick some clouds on what was a photo of me. 

...I dont really like it. It is supposed to be "a man with no natural habitat", stuck in a white box  holding a picture of something natural but tied down to unnatural stuff. -But even interpreting it is giving it too much credit, so lets not.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

lea consumes video games

Terranigma is the best video game of all time. To this day, when I am old and weathered  and mine taste has stood the test of time, the game still draws  tears to my eyes. You get to play the little hero Arc, and go about the earth resurrecting the world. First you bring forth the grass and trees, then the birds, then the  animals, and eventually humans- and then you help them build towns, invent airplanes, hamburgers, and telephones and then you die. wonderous. 

I prefer these old adventure games to most of the new fancy pants ones for similar reasons why I think Aristocats is so fab. The error makes the art human- and apparent! I like seeing the trace of the artists- and letting my imagination - (eeeeeee maaaaaajjjj in ay shon) actually do something! 

lea consumes beuny / emits poem


its a beuny beuny.

it is soft

its is gray

it wants you to touch the soft poof between its ears

it is a curious beuny!

Monday, April 13, 2009

lea illustrates by digital means

  the completed new title image for meh webcomic.

lea makes pictures with letters

so the sad and very ugly truth comes out. Lea. is not. a letter artist. In fact I've decided i have virtually no grasp of abstract design what so ever. and ye know what?! I'm a perfectly happy peach with that idea. However I am so disgusted with my creations for this assignment that I am going to go to the gym. something ive done maybe once in my life.

lea comments on good animation

The Aristocats is one of my favorite animated films. It gets me excited when a character turns their head and  all the ink and pencil guide lines show through the color.  The fluid and kind of messy images make the art seem real- human, not without flaws; and thus, a little more alive. I think my affection for this style is what encourages my art to be as messy as it is. I like to leave the guide lines in- all the extra lines make it feel so much more..approachable than something so perfect that it's mechanic. I've been told "you should clean up the line art" and so, from time to time, on a new layer in photoshop I trace over the original image excluding all the progress lines... and almost always end up deleting it, find it lacking somehow. 

Aristocats demonstrates this throughout the whole movie. I should be aware that the animation is a million little drawings! Art shouldnt pretend not to be art. especially, ESPECIALLY cartoons.

Friday, April 10, 2009

lea scratch 4

Heather after her accidental hair cut.

lea scratch 3

I'm working on a new title image for Magus Tales! But so far all ive got is an ugly Ratihas wearing jellyfish on his hands

Monday, April 6, 2009

lea on animals and animal photography

These photographs are from an online exhibit called Ashes and Snow. I discovered them several years ago and strongly believe that, of all photographs I've ever seen, these affect me the most profoundly. The series claims to be entirely unaltered film images, but I havent decided if I believe it or not. So! Why am I affected so deeply? Everyone is passionate about some kind of belief or way of life. For example, the idiot who lives below me believes in a way of life in which the brain is rendered numb due to constant, repetitive, bass beats.
I however, believe very strongly in a way of life that is deeply interconnected with, and respectful of, nature and specifically animals. (This belief has lead me into vegetarianism!) These images move me very deeply in that the human figures are often represented as small, submissive, and peaceful- while the animals are empowered. Humans, just like wild cats, elephants, mice, birds, apples and grape fruits grow out of the earth; in exactly the same way that pears grow on a pear tree. We do not own one another, and "animals" were not placed on the earth for humans "to eat" as some horrendous religious types think.
It is my wish that some day soon humans learn that we are animals- and that we assume our place as equals amongst them and amongst the earth that produced us.