Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Parallel Me Has it Down

The creepy thing is
I'll probably always love him.

At least, I know I’ll always love the cataclysmic heart pounding that comes with thinking I love him -  which is more like the adrenaline one might feel when diving into a bomb shelter, sniping government officials, or enduring sudden in-flight turbulence. 

What’s life with out regrets and speculation anyway. Humans love poetic tragedy. There is a palpable romance to enduring, secret love and snow storms of could-of, would-of and should’ve - and those most painful, what if's. 

I give a lot of credence to parallel universes these days. There’s a bit of consolation there. Go parallel me! Go go go! 


Anonymous said...

On ne sait, jamais...

Cori Jessy said...

Hi Lea :) I came across this through your modeling portfolio and would love to get in touch. I'm unable to reach you through MM due to messaging restrictions (I'm new to the site), but I just sent you a FB message. Unfortunately it looks like it went to your "other" folder. Hopefully you receive it, I'd love to chat. :)

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